Disconnecting from everything is sometimes … a must … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I look at the influences around myself …. and i finally understand the interferences that ruined many times my focus.

In fact … i was living many moments when i was not even remembering … what my focus was … or what the meaning of the concept … means.

But what was silly of me … all those years while exploring life … which was in fact my main hobby …. I did not understood all those energies around myself … but also the impact over my own being.

And even if i was not understanding what is really going on … i continued playing around with all those entities.

I loved … socializing.

I loved … connecting to anyone from the scene of my life.

I loved … people … or at least this is what i thought …. until one day … when going deeper and deeper with my meditations … i just realized that i love … connections …

Yes … i loved in fact … exploring those connections… not realizing i will pay a huge price for this.

I’ve attracted more and more and more people around myself … and i was really enjoying this game of …. socializing.

But …. very late … after fucking my vibration on and on and on … and in fact ruining my life with so much interferences … i finally decided to stop doing that … so often.

Or at least … start to get rid of this addiction.

… which was in fact just the addiction of exploring and understanding the world … where i was living in.

I ended … wanting simple to … disconnect from everything.

To get rid of many of those stupid influences that were all the time on the scene of life … was just a decision.

One … that i could decide long time ago.

And … disconnecting … finally became a must … even if it looked so … impossible…

Download the book ”Doing stupid things … an amazing journey” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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